Pre-Configured Production Workstations

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Configurable Workstations

Sourcing the perfect machine for use with specific software within a CAD, Graphic Design or Music editing environment can be difficult, whether that software is: AVID, AutoDesk, SOLIDWORKS or an Adobe suite. There is an abundance of information out there that may, or may not, be applicable to your work which can complicate choosing the correct specification for your needs. At Bargain Hardware we have simplified the buying process by compiling a list of the perfect workstations for each editing suite and ensured that they are all at, or above, the recommended specification for each software to provide you with maximum value and productivity.
Each workstation has been assigned a specification level: Basic, Intermediate, Expert and Render Optimised. A brief description of what you'll receive from these workstations can be seen below, further information, such as which workstation is best for your workflow, can be found on each product page:
Basic: The 'Basic' unit is configured to the "Recommended Specification" for each software. This workstation will perform all the basic tasks you require and will allow you to make use of most the standard software features. Offering maximum value the 'Basic' system is perfect for individuals looking to learn how to use a software or will only be using it for low intensity workloads.
Intermediate: Is a step up from the beginner class. These workstations allow use of the more intensive features and are configured above the vendors "Recommended Specification" level to ensure smooth operation. 'Intermediate' workstations are the perfect all-in-one solutions for individuals and businesses looking for the perfect blend of price and performance.
Expert: These units are the best of the best. Allowing you to use all features available and operating well above recommended level. These units will allow you to use the most advanced editing techniques and everything else you could want. 'Expert' units are spec'd with one thing in mind, productivity. Allowing you to get more done, and to a higher standard, these workstations will blaze through your workload without breaking a sweat.
Render Optimised: Designed with professional production houses in mind, the 'Render Optimised' workstations are packed full of CPU Cores and RAM to provide you with maximum render efficiency. These workstations are designed to be stand-alone render workhorses and produce impeccable results.
With one of the UK’s largest inventories, we hope to have your perfect workstation pre-configured. If, however, you require a model or specification that you can’t see listed on our site then please send us a quote request detailing your requirements and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.